Our Philosophy on Publishing
Because the self-publishing process can be confusing and involves many different steps and options, an author can easily and quickly feel lost or disconnected from their work as a result. We don’t want our clients to feel that way. We strive to provide our clients with a positive relationship and a quality product so that they move forward, armed with confidence, answers, and a really good book.
Our philosophy is simple: just because an author chooses to self-publish doesn’t mean it has to look like an amateur project. We create custom, interior layouts and make sure each book has a great cover. All the little pieces of the puzzle are in place. Our job is to understand the project and then bring it to life. With us, the client doesn’t need to worry about the technical components or formats and layouts. We’ve got it covered!
At Salt Water Media, we want our authors to feel their books come to life in a way that feels authentic and right, and not just because they are paying for it. For us, the dream is equally important.

Our Publishing Services
Cover Design
Custom Book Layout
ISBN and Barcodes
Library of Congress Number
Print: Paperback, Hardback, Dust Jackets
Espresso Book Machine Printing
Ingram POD Services
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Apple listings
SWM Online Sales
Social Media Features
Promotional Materials
Author Website Design and Hosting
“So, What’s Your Story?” podcast